
Talking Impact: How accessible surveys can make your evaluation more inclusive

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Many schools and organisations in the education sector are taking the right steps to evaluate their impact on pupils but are now understanding that the evaluation that they have designed isn’t always easily accessible to the wide range of pupils’ needs. ImpactEd Evaluation has guided a range of schools and education organisations to address this challenge of conducting inclusive evaluations. We’ll be hosting a webinar for education organisations and schools to understand what challenges certain pupils may face when participating in evaluations, what measurements are more accessible to pupils than others, and how to adapt surveys whilst maintaining an evaluations’ robustness. 

We will be joined by expert panellists who will talk about their experience of making their evaluation more accessible and how they overcame challenges when designing an inclusive  evaluation. 

Please see below for a brief outline of the what the session will contain:

  • Presentation of case studies on schools and organisations designing accessible surveys
  • Introduction to our panellists
  • Panel discussion on designing accessible surveys in evaluation
  • Q&A - a chance to ask our panellists your questions on accessibility in evaluation

Stay tuned for the event date, time, and registration details.

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